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Taiwan’s bridal custom

by | Dec 7, 2023 | 0 comments

Taiwan has a wealth of exquisite bridal customs and ceremonies. Many of the expound ones are intended to bind families. Here are a few examples:

The Matching Gifts Ceremony

The matching gifts meeting is one of Taiwan’s most significant bridal customs. When the brides’ friends and family receive red envelopes containing money, they do this. Ordinarily, the envelopes feature the number ten, which denotes presence, along with auspicious icons. This is a sign of good fortune and prosperity for the newlywed pair. The princess’s family may typically appear at the groom’s apartment with a trainload of presents. A representative of the couple’s home may greet them at their home with an older representative who did open the door for them. The wife had then receive the marriage presents. Gold necklaces, dragon and phoenix candles, and drink leaves with sesame seeds are common gifts. The pair had then consume tea from two red-tie mugs that had been tied up.

Therefore, they do consume wonderful wheat dumplings, which are said to be happy and together. Additionally, they would communicate them with their friends and neighbors. Taro cakes, egg custard pies, and dried fruits like longans and uses are among the additional goodies served at the wedding. This is a symbolic way to bring delight and great wants to individuals.

The Hui Sheng is the day’s final ceremony. The couple’s household makes services to her ancestors during this time. Additionally, they did give up the bridal presents the groom’s relatives had given them. This shows their parents respect and gratitude.

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